Although we don't have an open position, it can still be useful to get to know our culture and team.
Being part of TwoDo means being an exceptional individual who makes a community of colleagues proud with your work. We don't have an easy job, but that's how we know we're moving forward with every project.
We founded TwoDo in 2018 as a bunch of university students. We weren't founded for a specific product, nor did we have a supervising investor behind us. We determine how we develop, what we look like and what is important to us. Our products quickly rose to prominence through strong design and modern technology at relatively low cost, as we didn't have to feed cumbersome corporate structures. That's how we caught on.
Thanks to our experience in senior roles at other companies and amazing relationships with selected clients, we've been able to continue to grow our collaboration. It allowed us to create our first facilities in the form of cosy offices and attract talent.
We may be in different moods, but we tune the atmosphere in the office, in a meeting or in a chat to be supportive, encouraging and ideally fun. We are more like friends, interested in each other. We go to the office for more than just sitting in front of monitors, we want a quality environment where we can relax and still move the company forward.
Everyone has their own space where they can set up their laptop, make a good coffee or tea, play music for everyone or just for themselves and tune into the maximum flow. And those who are tired of sitting, can work out or go for a run in the quiet surroundings.
There has been enough scrolling, now it is time to see available positions you can apply for.
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