Personalizard application

Motionlab's Personalizard app is a tool for quick creation of personalized videos by the user in a few clicks.
We created a concept for the web application according to the brief, which we wrapped into the final design. Subsequently, we developed the entire frontend and programmed a complex backend. Finally, the app was packaged for mobile devices.
Client accepted on October 29, 2019
a screenshot of a video game


Motionlab created the idea of an environment where the user can generate a simple personalized video based on simple inputs like text, image, location, etc. Video templates are used as the basis for the inputs, on which the edits are projected. This tool could then make the job of many marketing agencies easier when trying to reach specific customers based on data they can identify with.

Not always does a customer need regular and huge batches like Motionlab's parent platform offers, and this is where Personalizard is meant to help in its simplicity and accessibility.

a screenshot of a video game


The relatively simple-looking concept had many pitfalls, especially on the technical side. It had to be solved technologically to connect to the Motionlab platform API, where the video generation requests are sent. The entire system also had to allow for smart notifications to the user about various statuses and processes.

a screenshot of a computer


The development was done in several waves and new features were added, because we had to create a functional core as quickly as possible due to the demand for the product. In any case, the look and feel settled on an organic green colour, which aptly complements the attractive reptile (lizard) logo. Everything is organized with as much emphasis as possible on simple and quick operation, easy access to numerical information that has all the telling value for video managers. The application allows you to create organizations and manage your members to ensure sufficient management, even in a corporate environment where sub profiles need to be managed.

a screenshot of a computer


During development, we used Microsoft's modern Azure cloud infrastructure, from the DevOps process to operations. The frontend runs on very snappy ReactJS and the backend on ASP.NET Core. Using such cutting-edge technologies makes Personalizard a secure and fast application.

Motionlab was very pleased with our efforts and gave us the opportunity to eventually contribute to Personalizard's web presence. Thanks to the modern method of Frontend - Progressive Web App, it was then relatively easy to package the web app into a mobile version and publish it on Google Play and the App Store.

a screenshot of a dashboard
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